Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Honest Vote Count? Hacking Voting Machines for Fun and Profit

How secure are electronic voting machines? Not very secure
according to recurring university studies and hacker success.
See my story online for details.

Monday, October 25, 2010

1 Aspirin/Day Helps Prevent Cancer - Lancet

Most people already know that a dose of "baby"
aspirin taken each day is beneficial for many
older people's health because it reduces the
chance of a heart attack and some kinds of strokes
but a new study out of the UK by Professor Peter
Rothwell, John Radcliffe Hospital, Oxford, and
University of Oxford, UK, and colleagues shows
benefits related to colorectal cancer.

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

China vitrually ownes the U.S. government and controls critical materials

U.S Debt - What Happens if Washington Annoys China?
China not only holds $1T of U.S. debt, the Asian economic powerhouse
also holds a monopoly on the materials needed for electric cars,
CFL lights, LEDs, wind turbines, the Army's main battle tank,
smart bombs, cell phones, computer hard drives, etc.