Wednesday, January 30, 2008

GHD Weather

Friday - sleet and snow, followed by rain, with more sleet and
freezing rain Friday night.
GHD isn't for wimps - be prepared.

Monday, January 28, 2008

Check out the "Punxy Pink Flamingos"

Be sure to check out the "Phil" statues scattered around town (photos
Vote here, tacky? not tacky?

Sunday, January 27, 2008

02/02/08 Tips:

Crash pad is safe and only $5, no reservation needed.
Don't try to drive or (even worse, WALK!) Take one of the shuttles.
Gobbler's Knob opens at 3 a.m., it is normally very cold and often
windy, dress appropriately.
Most of the action starts about 7 a.m., sunrise is 7:25 a.m.
Local cops and people are nice and helpful, but be sensible, this is a
FAMILY event, don't push too hard.
Come to snicker or participate but have fun, this is small town life
at its best.

Saturday, January 26, 2008

GHD Movie

The Bill Murray movie starts at 4 p.m., Jackson Theater, walking
distance from Barclay Sq.

Fri. Feb 1 GHD Festivities Begin

Fri Feb. 1 Head to Barclay Sq. (Downtown Punxy)
Entertainment starts
at Noon
Music till 2 a.m.

Barclay Square is the park between the Pantall Hotel and Phil's home in the Library/Police Station/Fire Station

Friday, January 25, 2008

Another Year, another GHD!

With some time left before the big day of days I am firing up this blog once again.

We will be covering the events of the big day but let me begin with an idea for residents.

Wouldn't it be a great idea to have a monthly flea market really promoted and well-sponsored in Punxy? Think of the traffic/tourism potential and the extra income for local vendors.

If anyone knows someone out at the new plumbing store/warehouse location on 36 north where the old drive-in was located, suggest it to them.

Nice location, easy to secure, charge a bit to get in, a bit more to sell and that would cover the security and cleanup costs.

This is essentially empty space on Sundays and has the benefit of not even clogging downtown with lots of traffic and parking all at once, although it would bring more business downtown.

The two adjacent car businesses would really benefit also.

Things like this can really snowball into major events.

Let someone you know about this idea.