Thursday, December 18, 2008

FREE drug discount card

go to
and print a free card which might get you significent
prescription drug discounts at various local

This looks completely legitimate, you don't even need to
give any personal information or an email address if you
don't want to.

This information is from WTAJ (Ch. 10)

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Spring In the Air?

Of course not, you are probably thinking!, What a stupid suggestion.

But, wait a minute, flowers may not be shooting up but gas well rigs are certainly sprouting in the area and, for many (unfortunately not all) land owners, the royalty checks from even a single well can easily cover an average mortgage payment and several wells can make someone reasonably "country" wealthy.

"Country" wealthy, of course isn't the same as "city" wealthy which is some strange ability combined with the desire to buy outrageous things and consume as much as possible.

Country wealthy, on the other hand, means not having to worry if that old car will make it another year, freedom from worries about loosing the ranch due to property tax increases, the ability to take a real vacation, and, most of all, to know that you can do right by your kids.

So, I get a spring-like feel from driving around the area these days, unlike the depression era feeling descending on most of the urban areas, it you raise food, or are fortunate enough to live in an area where new natural gas wells are going in, things are probably looking pretty good – even if you don't own a share of a gas well, if a lot of your neighbors do then the local economy as a whole will do well.

John (Highland Ranch)

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Housing authority bans U.S. flag!

I thought they only grew them this dumb in Washington but
it happens even around here - dumb, really dumb government workers
doing really stupid things and getting paid to do them.

I'm not making this up, it has been on TV:
the Jefferson County Housing Authority is trying to force
a resident to take down Old Glory from her window.

When the entire world is collapsing financially your tax dollars are being
spent to try and force this.

Never mind the First Ammendment of the Bill of Rights and freedom of
speech, how about common sense?

Let the housing authority know how you feel about this

201 N Jefferson St
Punxsutawney, PA 15767
(814) 938-7140

"If you can keep your head when all around you are in panic; you probably don't understand what's happening." - jm

Tuesday, December 09, 2008

REMINDER - senior and disabled rent/real estate tax rebate

PA offers property tax and rent rebates for the elderly,
disabled, and widows or widowers over 50 years of age.

New is the fact that you can earn a maximum of $35,000
(only half of SS counts) and still qualify for a $250 real estate tax rebate.

or call 1-888-222-9190 toll-free.

This is not related to welfare or other assistance programs.

fuel oil and other heating assistance

New monies are now available for low income heating assistance.
This is not linked to welfare or other programs.
shows how much families can get for fuel oil heat. Others can also receive aid
for natural gas or other fuels.
The maximum household income qualifying for assistance is about

"If you can keep your head when all around you are in panic; you probably don't understand what's happening." - jm

Saturday, October 11, 2008

Outrageous campaign claims

OK, I stay out of politics since I never trust any politician to do what they say, but some claims are just too outrageously exaggerated to ignore.
We've heard politicians suggest that ALL american oil dollars are going to countries which sponsor terrorists.
Do they really consider Canada and Mexico to be dangerous?
Those two countries supply half our imports.
By the way, if fully exploited ASAP, offshore U.S. oil would provide about 1% of U.S. consumption in 10-15 years.
The drill-drill-drill crowd forgets to mention that there are NOT unleased deep water oil rigs in the world.
To drill you first have to order and wait for delivery of new production drill rigs (3-5 years).

OH yea, and if people are serious about conserving oil and reducing the cost of gasoline, why does Detroit
still sell cars that can go 130 mph? All it takes is a simple reprogramming of the computer to limit every vehicle to
75 mph max, making it safe for conservative drivers to travel at the speed limit. Also, cars limited that way could be
programmed to run much more efficiently. A vehicle "capable" of going 120 mph will get worse mileage at 55 mph than one
only capable of going 75 mph.

"If you can keep your head when all about you
Are losing theirs and blaming it on you,
If you can trust yourself when all men doubt you, .....
Yours is the Earth and everything that's in it,
And - which is more - you'll be a Man my son! - Kipling

"If you can keep your head when all around you are in panic; you may not understand everything that's happening." - jm

Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Some secrets they aren't telling you

OK, time for straight talk. There are some things you aren't likely to hear on TV because they correctly fear panic.

We are in a time of crisis. There is no money in most banks to fund continuing operations of most businesses.

They told you that on TV.

They forgot to mention two businesses which need vast amounts of temporary credit to operate from day to day.

Gas stations

Both have very small profit margins and both need to have operating credit to buy stock (gasoline and food).

At this point in the financial situation of the WORLD, the credit is just not there - YOUR credit card limit has probably just dropped even if you have GREAT credit.

It really doesn't matter if your gas station or supermarket has wonderful credit if the banks simply refuse to lend it out even for a week.

Only the government was able to lend money to Ford, Chrysler, or GM last week - they had all run out of operating cash.

So, what happens when supermarkets and gas stations can't find the credit line to buy stock?

I don't know. Do YOU?

I am NOT taking any position on the massive $700B government take over of the banking industry or saying that THIS TIME
we should actually believe President Bush because, despite all evidence to the contrary, he MIGHT be correct this time.
(After all, even a broken clock is right two times a day (except on military time, of course.)

We are  fortunate here in central PA that the economy is doing well due to gas and coal, but even here we need to pay attention to what is happening.
It doesn't matter how often they pass laws against it in Washington, water will eventually run downhill.

Certified Reuters Insight Expert Consultant
Please visit our eBay store. The fastest way to enter is through

New mobile sites in development:


Did you ever notice that people who think they know everything are usually the same ones who don't even know how to read or speak English above a third grade level?
Perhaps they think they know everything because they don't have any idea what other people actually know - jm

Friday, August 01, 2008

Coupons - Good or Bad?

TV (once again) is discovering coupons. They do this about once a year - perhaps they just think viewers are really stupid and keep forgetting.

But while they promote all these online and other coupons they never seem to remind anyone that if you get 50 cents off a brand name food that sells for 75 cents less as a store brand then using the coupon isn't such a great idea.

Also, coupons are seldom for anything you really need – meat, bread, butter, milk, vaggies. They are mostly for highly processed food you probably shouldn't be eating anyway.

Did you ever notice that people who think they know everything are usually the same ones who don't even know how to read or speak English above a third grade level?
Perhaps they think they know everything because they don't have any idea what other people actually know - jm

Thursday, July 31, 2008

WrongAID? or RiteAID?

Am I the only one who has been hearing complaints about RiteAid in Punxy? It seems to me that ever since they took over Eckerd there has just been one computer problem after another.


One reader reported to me that he was offered three prescriptions for medicine he had never heard of or taken and another time their automated refill system got the wrong prescription information from the Rx number and not only didn't have that one ready, also claimed the correct one had expired (which it won't do until next year according to the information right on their bottle.)


And, is their FAX machine really down? I can find one at WalMart for about $30 and I bet RiteAid itself actually sells computer printers which can act as fax machines.


What can you do? Well, be extremely careful about any prescriptions ordered through or picked up at RiteAid – of course there are two other pharmacies within 300 feet but who am I to suggest you do the obvious.


I can say that I won't have any personal experience to report on the store after my current prescriptions run out so let me know if you have problems and I can post them here, your personal news site for Punxsutawney.

Certified Reuters Insight Expert Consultant

Did you ever notice that teens who think they know everything are usually the same ones who don't even know how to read or speak English above a third grade level?
Perhaps they think they know everything because they don't have any idea what other people actually know- jm

Monday, July 28, 2008

Gas leases for all of West PA reach $2,500/acre

Link to a map showing the extent of the new gas fields and information:

Lease rates have recently gone from $300/acre to $2,500/acre. That does NOT include the royalties, that is just the upfront cash for the rights to drill.

Certified Reuters Insight Expert Consultant

Monday, July 21, 2008

WARNING- WalMart Punxy Optical - your time is their time

Just thought readers should know that I have confirmed a report from a friend about the eyeglass service at WalMart Punxsutawney.

They advertise in the store that they open at 9 a.m. so she was there at 8:30 to shop. She was at the eyeglass store at 9:00 a.m. to pick up her new glasses.

By 9:20 they still hadn't opened so she found the store manager and he phoned someone who told him that they would open at 10 a.m.

Now if your time is worth nothing that shouldn't matter to you but if you have a life outside WalMart you might want to know about the casual way these people operate the eyeglass store.

What the heck, keep 'em waiting, the're only paying customers.

BTW, their response was that it was a scheduling error.

The trouble with learning things the hard way is that sometimes you only get the one lesson. - jm

Thursday, July 17, 2008

Wednesday, June 04, 2008

Beware the danger of the wrong sunblock

Beware, Neutrogena is now ADVERTISING that their sunblock keeps out UVB as well as UVA..
UVB is what generates Vitamin D in your body. UVA is what you want to blockif you want to
decrease your chance of getting a fatal cancer. See the medical studies in

Just because something is advertised doesn't mean you should buy it - in fact,
a great rule of thumb is: if you need something they don't have to pay big $$ to
advertise it on TV.

The trouble with learning things the hard way is that sometimes you only get the one lesson. - jm

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

GAS RUSH - Your Rights

WPSU will present a one hour live program on natural gas drilling and landowner rights on Thursday night at 7 p.m.

Friday, May 16, 2008

Canadian study shows link with low Vitamin D and cancer deaths

A Canadian medical study of 512 women showed:
those with low Vitamin D levels were 94% more likely
to have their cancer spread and 73 per cent more likely to die.

The study is not available online or listed in PubMed yet
but I will post links as soon as they are available.


Monday, April 28, 2008

The UN-news season is upon us but BEWARE of Sun Screens!.

Just in time for the "silly season" news cycle we have had
our first shark-scare story.

It was predictable.

It was inevitable.

It was essentially meaningless except for the individuals
touched by the tragedy - it means nothing more than a
story about someone being killed by a lightning strike
which is much more common than shark kills.

It is too soon to know if this will be the big "scare" story
theme for this Summer. It could still be the Red Tide; people
stealing cars from vacationers just to get the gas in their tanks;
but we know there will ALWAYS be a big and,
critically important, a scary story running through the
Summer to keep people watching the TV news.

A perrenial story is that of the need for sun screen.
The TV always gets this wrong. Sun screens, like window
glass, filter out half of the UV. Unfortunately the blocked part (UVB)
is the part that generates Vitamin-D. UVA, passed by glass
and most sun screens, actually destroys Vitamin-D, perhaps
explaining the increase in deaths due to Vitamin-D defficiency.

According to
Photochemistry and Photobiology: Vol. 81, No. 6, pp. 1276–1286.
about 60,000 people in the U.S. and another 20,000 in the
United Kingdom die each year of a lack of Vitamin-D.

for details. is certified by HON as providing
"trustworthy" health information.

Please visit our eBay store. The fastest way to enter is through

New mobile sites in development:

The trouble with learning things the hard way is that sometimes you
only get the one fatal lesson. - jm

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

flu worsens

Despite the nice weather, flu cases are still increasing in the region.

A recent reporting week showed these results:
Jefferson Co. 34 last, 40 now
Indiana Co. 62 last, 76 now
Clearfield Co.41 last, 48 now

As of the week ending April 6:
Jefferson Co. 58
Indiana Co. 124
Clearfield Co. 79

Bear in mind these are only the hospital lab confirmed cases, actual
cases are 100 to 1000 times greater.


The trouble with learning things the hard way is that sometimes you
only get the one fatal lesson. - jm

Saturday, April 12, 2008

Tax Day, no rush

If you are one of those who are rushing to get your taxes prepared by
the deadline, you need to learn what they never say on TV - all you
really need to do is estimate what (if anything ) you owe and send it
along with IRS Form 4868 to get months extra to finish those returns.

download, fill out, print - takes about 5 minutes total.

Monday, March 17, 2008

Groom wanted

Wanted - volunteer/aprentice mini equine groomer, possible paid
position for right person but plenty of opportunity to work with
animals, possible pasture in exchange contact
Room and board available for adult couple.

Sunday, March 16, 2008

bank robbery in Punxy

Sorry, I can't provide any details because, despite months of effort I
have been unable to establish a working relationship with the
Punxsutawney police, the sort of relationship which could have allowed
me to post the stills of the robber long before it hit the TV or local

If this is a concern to you, let the mayor know.

If not, no problem, this is intended to be a community site.

Sunday, March 09, 2008

Flu Incidence levels off

Although there are a few more reported incidents of flu locally, the
number for the state as a whole is sharply down and the rate of
increase in west central PA has slowed greatly.

last reporting period vs most recent:

Jefferson Co. 34 last, 40 now
Indiana Co. 62 last, 76 now
Clearfield Co.41 last, 48 now

Tuesday, March 04, 2008

Latest Flu Update

An update with a special hello for Dr. E.

The Influenza weekly report for the period ending February 23 (latest
report as of today) shows flu cases still climbing.

The previous period's numbers vs current:

Jefferson Co. 25 last, 34 now
Indiana Co. 44 last, 62 now
Clearfield Co.22 last, 41 now

Remember, it is the relative increase or decrease which is important,
the vast majority of cases are never reported or confirmed by
laboratory tests and therefore are never listed in these weekly

I don't suffer fools gladly but I gladly let fools suffer. - jm

Monday, March 03, 2008

Flu rpt

This week's flu report

Jefferson co 34
Indiana co 62
Clearfield co 41

Please visit our eBay store. The fastest way to enter is through

New mobile sites in development:


I don't suffer fools gladly but I gladly let fools suffer. - jm

Friday, February 22, 2008

Flu incidence continues to surge in west-central PA

Flu cases keep climbing

The latest numbers are 22 reported cases for Clearfield County, 44 for
Indiana, and 25 for Jefferson.

What's important is to compare these with the figures for the last
week which shows whether it is spreading or decreasing.

Unfortunately there were many fewer cases reported in each of those
counties last week so it is spreading like wild fire.

Last week: The number of confirmed cases 8 for Clearfield County, 13 for
Indiana, and 12 for Jefferson.

Please visit our eBay store. The fastest way to enter is through

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

How to get a digital converter box rebate

Get Your Converter Box Rebate

NOTE ! SOME TV will remain analog!

If you get your TV signal over an antenna then your old TV will stop
working next February as nearly every station switches to digitial.

You don't neet a new TV, you need a TV converter box (about the size of a VCR).

They cost about $50 but the government will give you a $40 rebate if
you apply at

What no one on TV is mentioning is that some stations won't convert to digital.

See a list of low power stations for your state at:

For more detail see:

Apply early, there are a limited number of coupons available, maximim
2 to household.

If you have cable or satellite TV YOU DON'T NEED A CONVERTER BOX AND,


Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Flu Cases Surge!

Also, media FUD.

The latest numbers are 8 reported cases for Clearfield County, 13 for
Indiana, and 12 for Jefferson.

What's important is to compare these with the figures for the last
week which shows whether it is spreading or not.

Unfortunately there were only half as many cases reported in each of
those counties last week so it is spreading like wild fire.

FUD - Fear Uncertainty and Doubt, TV News' biggest ally other than violent death

The three strains of flu hitting this year were not included in the
flu shots and the media is going nuts misreporting things on TV.
It doesn't take a rocket scientist to tell either because some
stations are reporting that there is little or no protection against
the new strains while others are saying it does.
The government, of course, is urging you to pay for the old vaccine
anyway because a few years ago they promised the vaccine makers that
they would push any surpluss vaccine.

I still say get it because it offers some protection AND ANOTHER

Remember, there is virtually NO treatment for the flu (or common cold)
because they are viruses and anti-biotics don't work against them.
Tamiflu only works if taken almost before you realize you have the


Winter returns

For those of you outside the local area, Phil is being redeemed by the
coldest days of this winter so far and what looks as if it will turn
into about a foot of snow out here on the mountain outside
Punxsutawney. BTW, we'll be adding more Phil statues as soon as the
weather permits but right now visibility just isn't good enough.

Thursday, February 07, 2008

Phil's Warning Ignored!

Apparently at least the bird brains are ignoring Phil's GHD warning of
6 more weeks of winter because yesterday I saw a flight of Canadian
geese heading north over the ranch.

Wednesday, February 06, 2008

Anyone else having trouble with PC Exploration gas?

I have seen their gas well tenders leave gates open or only partially
closed in fields with livestock, endangering the animals.

If anyone else is experiencing trouble of this nature with them please
contact me.

Monday, February 04, 2008

Just FYI, there are hundreds of cases of flu for every one confirmed in a hospital by lab tests

PA one of 11 states with widespread flu

Despite the warm weather and mild winter, the flu is here in
Pennsylvania, in fact, this is one of the 11 states hard hit or
reported as "Widespread" last week.

The government site publishing statistics,,

reports that there have been 6 confirmed cases in each of Jefferson
and Indiana counties as well as 3 in Clearfield county.

Unfortunately, the flu shots aren't for exactly this strain but it
will provide some protection and shots are still available.

Despite the nonsense about terrorism and poisoned Halloween candy
(urban legend, never happened), the simple flu kills more than 35,000
people in the U.S. every year!
(The bird flu which probably will hit us in the next few years, would
kill hundreds of thousands since it is almost 90% fatal.

Yet people worry about the silliest things which have almost no chance
of happening to them.

You can see the CDC flu data at

Get your flu shot dummy.

Saturday, February 02, 2008

Six More Weeks of Winter

Despite persistant 100% cloud cover over all of the area, Phil somehow
was frightened by his shadow (perhaps all the TV lights?) and dove
back into hibernation thus predicting 6 more weeks of winter.
The action moves to downtown Punxsutawney for the rest of the event.

Friday, February 01, 2008

Heads up - after GHD I will publish information on attending an Ivy league college for free.

That's right, Harvard (been there, done that), and other Ivy League
schools offer free tuition (not scholarships) to good students from
families with incomes under about $40,000 per year. I'll be posting
details after the big weekend.

It has to be the best deal in higher education.

I don't suffer fools gladly but I sometimes gladly let fools suffer. - jm

Wednesday, January 30, 2008

GHD Weather

Friday - sleet and snow, followed by rain, with more sleet and
freezing rain Friday night.
GHD isn't for wimps - be prepared.

Monday, January 28, 2008

Check out the "Punxy Pink Flamingos"

Be sure to check out the "Phil" statues scattered around town (photos
Vote here, tacky? not tacky?

Sunday, January 27, 2008

02/02/08 Tips:

Crash pad is safe and only $5, no reservation needed.
Don't try to drive or (even worse, WALK!) Take one of the shuttles.
Gobbler's Knob opens at 3 a.m., it is normally very cold and often
windy, dress appropriately.
Most of the action starts about 7 a.m., sunrise is 7:25 a.m.
Local cops and people are nice and helpful, but be sensible, this is a
FAMILY event, don't push too hard.
Come to snicker or participate but have fun, this is small town life
at its best.

Saturday, January 26, 2008

GHD Movie

The Bill Murray movie starts at 4 p.m., Jackson Theater, walking
distance from Barclay Sq.

Fri. Feb 1 GHD Festivities Begin

Fri Feb. 1 Head to Barclay Sq. (Downtown Punxy)
Entertainment starts
at Noon
Music till 2 a.m.

Barclay Square is the park between the Pantall Hotel and Phil's home in the Library/Police Station/Fire Station

Friday, January 25, 2008

Another Year, another GHD!

With some time left before the big day of days I am firing up this blog once again.

We will be covering the events of the big day but let me begin with an idea for residents.

Wouldn't it be a great idea to have a monthly flea market really promoted and well-sponsored in Punxy? Think of the traffic/tourism potential and the extra income for local vendors.

If anyone knows someone out at the new plumbing store/warehouse location on 36 north where the old drive-in was located, suggest it to them.

Nice location, easy to secure, charge a bit to get in, a bit more to sell and that would cover the security and cleanup costs.

This is essentially empty space on Sundays and has the benefit of not even clogging downtown with lots of traffic and parking all at once, although it would bring more business downtown.

The two adjacent car businesses would really benefit also.

Things like this can really snowball into major events.

Let someone you know about this idea.