Friday, August 01, 2008

Coupons - Good or Bad?

TV (once again) is discovering coupons. They do this about once a year - perhaps they just think viewers are really stupid and keep forgetting.

But while they promote all these online and other coupons they never seem to remind anyone that if you get 50 cents off a brand name food that sells for 75 cents less as a store brand then using the coupon isn't such a great idea.

Also, coupons are seldom for anything you really need – meat, bread, butter, milk, vaggies. They are mostly for highly processed food you probably shouldn't be eating anyway.

Did you ever notice that people who think they know everything are usually the same ones who don't even know how to read or speak English above a third grade level?
Perhaps they think they know everything because they don't have any idea what other people actually know - jm

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