Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Find best holiday prices online even if you go to the store

Even if you are shopping at the mall you need to
comparison shop prices online at these sites or
check your local store's inventory online.

Read the full story at:


CyberWar by WikiLeaks Defenders Builds While Xipwire Accepts Funds

Is Wikileaks really to blame when newspapers
have already published the same memos?

Did you know that the hackers supporting Wikileaks
are NOT stealing credit card info, only protesting in
the same way people did in the 70's?

While Xipwire remains the only U.S. site accepting
funds for WikiLeaks, hackers conducting a DoS attack
on Visa, MasterCard, and PayPal are expected to
target Amazon next.


Learn about the Zombie DoS Attacks Supporting WikiLeaks

What you need to know about the current spate of Zombie Denial of
Service attacks against Visa and MasterCard and in support of
WikiLeaks. Also, what is 'ping' and, for that matter, what is 'TRON?'


Reverse Mortgages Simple as the Ads Portray? Not By a Long Shot!

Despite the many TV ads touting the virtues of
reverse mortgages, what they fail to say is that,
although this is sometimes a reasonably simple process,
often it can be extremely complex with banks
stringing people along for many months before
reaching a decision, even electing to ignore appraisals.

See the start of my investigative series at: