comparison shop prices online at these sites or
check your local store's inventory online.
Read the full story at:
Ever get the feeling that something is missing from the nightly TV news? Groundhog Press is looking for correspondents who would like to be published. Sorry, it is a non-paying situation but it is really intended for clubs, high school students, social organizations, and even local governments such as townships as a place to get their "small" news out to the public. Contact me groundhogpressinc AT Students especially welcome.
Read the full story at:
Did you know that the hackers supporting Wikileaks
are NOT stealing credit card info, only protesting in
the same way people did in the 70's?
While Xipwire remains the only U.S. site accepting
funds for WikiLeaks, hackers conducting a DoS attack
on Visa, MasterCard, and PayPal are expected to
target Amazon next.
See the start of my investigative series at:
Mr. Dines' most telling statement about gold money vs. paper currency
is that he will believe paper is as good as gold when women get as
excited about receiving a paper ring as they do when they get a solid
gold ring.
Sara Palin is last in line with her complaints about printing money in
excess (QE2) but she is correct.
Audit the Fed.