Friday, February 27, 2009

free oneday pass to sams club discounts

go to the allstate site
and click on the sams club special offer

this probably won't work with a dial up connection


Monday, February 02, 2009

Indiana Update

WJAC-TV is reporting that several thousand
individuals definately headed onto
Philadelphia St. in Indiana in
the middle of the night
and lit a number of fires.

Sounds like a Super Bowl celebration
got out of hand.

My contacts report calm but
because of the events overnight
it would be a bad place to try and
party today.

Avoid Indiana

While Punxsutawney is the place
to be this morning, Indiana PA
is definitely NOT the place to
celebrate and I strongly
recommend avoiding the
downtown area.

While I am 30+ miles away
at the Knob and downtown today,
so I haven't seen this in person,
TV stations in the region are
reporting that thousands
of rowdies have been giving
cops a hard time, setting fires
in college town Indiana.

No sign of Harvey the Pooka
who, along with favorite son
Elwood P. Dowd (Jimmy
Stewart) once put Indiana
on the map as the perfect
example of small town America,
 a place rapidly being usurped by

Phil Sees Shadow More Winter?

Despite heavy overcast with
light snow, Phil somehow
saw his shadow and thereby
predicted six more weeks of

Of course GHD is set close
to mid-Winter.

Big Crowd Greets Phil

Well GHD is big at the Knob
this morning with a LOT of people
attending this year's celebration,
possibly in part because of the
big Super Bowl win, but a party
is a party and Punxsutawney is crowded today.