Thursday, December 18, 2008

FREE drug discount card

go to
and print a free card which might get you significent
prescription drug discounts at various local

This looks completely legitimate, you don't even need to
give any personal information or an email address if you
don't want to.

This information is from WTAJ (Ch. 10)

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Spring In the Air?

Of course not, you are probably thinking!, What a stupid suggestion.

But, wait a minute, flowers may not be shooting up but gas well rigs are certainly sprouting in the area and, for many (unfortunately not all) land owners, the royalty checks from even a single well can easily cover an average mortgage payment and several wells can make someone reasonably "country" wealthy.

"Country" wealthy, of course isn't the same as "city" wealthy which is some strange ability combined with the desire to buy outrageous things and consume as much as possible.

Country wealthy, on the other hand, means not having to worry if that old car will make it another year, freedom from worries about loosing the ranch due to property tax increases, the ability to take a real vacation, and, most of all, to know that you can do right by your kids.

So, I get a spring-like feel from driving around the area these days, unlike the depression era feeling descending on most of the urban areas, it you raise food, or are fortunate enough to live in an area where new natural gas wells are going in, things are probably looking pretty good – even if you don't own a share of a gas well, if a lot of your neighbors do then the local economy as a whole will do well.

John (Highland Ranch)

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Housing authority bans U.S. flag!

I thought they only grew them this dumb in Washington but
it happens even around here - dumb, really dumb government workers
doing really stupid things and getting paid to do them.

I'm not making this up, it has been on TV:
the Jefferson County Housing Authority is trying to force
a resident to take down Old Glory from her window.

When the entire world is collapsing financially your tax dollars are being
spent to try and force this.

Never mind the First Ammendment of the Bill of Rights and freedom of
speech, how about common sense?

Let the housing authority know how you feel about this

201 N Jefferson St
Punxsutawney, PA 15767
(814) 938-7140

"If you can keep your head when all around you are in panic; you probably don't understand what's happening." - jm

Tuesday, December 09, 2008

REMINDER - senior and disabled rent/real estate tax rebate

PA offers property tax and rent rebates for the elderly,
disabled, and widows or widowers over 50 years of age.

New is the fact that you can earn a maximum of $35,000
(only half of SS counts) and still qualify for a $250 real estate tax rebate.

or call 1-888-222-9190 toll-free.

This is not related to welfare or other assistance programs.

fuel oil and other heating assistance

New monies are now available for low income heating assistance.
This is not linked to welfare or other programs.
shows how much families can get for fuel oil heat. Others can also receive aid
for natural gas or other fuels.
The maximum household income qualifying for assistance is about

"If you can keep your head when all around you are in panic; you probably don't understand what's happening." - jm